Wednesday, 22 October 2008

One Man and His Dice Update

 I have posted up a new podcast from Continuum 2008 called Rune Magic.
This is a seminar by the authors and developers of the new Gloranthan HeroQuest 2.0 line and covers the magic system of Glorantha. They do go into some detail of how this magic system works with a return to using the Core Runes.

One Man and His

This is the seventh in a series of special recordings from Continuum 2008.
This was recorded at Continuum 2008 at John Foster Hall, University of Leicester, Manor Road, Oadby, Leicester, UK on Sunday 3rd August 2008 at 14:00 in the Oakham Seminar Room.
A discussion on the new Gloranthan Magic system for HeroQuest 2.0, a return to using the Runes as the core part of the system.
Panellists were Jeff Richard, Ian Cooper and Lawrence Whitaker. Additional discussion points by David Scott, Mike Gibb, Alex Ferguson, Ed McDonald, and Nick Brooke.

Running Time: 01:06:47.

More details here

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