Tuesday, 22 July 2008

Final Part of Continuum 2008 FAQ

The final part of the Continuum 2008 Frequently Asked Questions.
This section deals with the advertising, volunteering, Wi-Fi, and Tourist Information contact details.

I would like to advertise my Game/Shop/Event/Convention at Continuum?

If it is appropriate for our members, then yes you can. You can have a full page, half page or quarter page advert in our Programme Book that is given to every attendee on arrival. Rates are very reasonable [or even a Quid Pro Quo arrangement might be better?]. Inside cover: £50.00, Full page: £40.00, Half page: £25.00 and Quarter page: £12.00.
The deadline for inclusion in Continuum's Programme Book is Monday 14th July 2008.
If you have your own printed flyers we can include them in each of the delegate packs if we get them early enough. Just contact Darran Sims at:

Can I put out flyers or hang up posters?
You will need to check with the committee first about whether your posters/flyers are appropriate to this event.
Also we will show where you can put them so that they do not litter the place up or you do not damage the walls or the paintwork with your posters.

How do I become a 'Friend of Continuum'?
Friends of Continuum [or FOCs] are people that have helped Continuum, or Convulsions in the past, set up and help organise. They are the hard working, sweat-drenched volunteers running about trying to sort out any problems or getting gamers into games. They are at the beck and call of the committee [who by definition are control freaks of the worst magnitude] and their only reward is a little sup of beer [and all the members' gratitude].
To become a FOC you just need to be mad enough to volunteer your time or services to the committee, pledge your body, mind and soul in a little ritual we have [we won't go into the grisly details here] and keep smiling.
Simple huh?

Is there access to the Internet?
John Foster Hall itself is a WiFi hotspot so you may be able to access the Internet if you have wireless capability on your laptop.
You will need to bring an Ethernet cable as the rooms in the pavilions have wired Internet access only. Should you forget to bring an Ethernet cable the University Reception in the Conference Facility Building will be able to rent you one.
If you haven't got your own laptop there are several Internet cafes in Leicester itself. Also there is a library in Oadby, on the Parade, that you can visit that has some Internet ready computers. However the opening times are limited at the weekend.

Where is the nearest tourist information centre?
The only one available is in Leicester city itself:
Leicester Promotions,
7/9 Every Street,
Town Hall Square,
LE1 6AG.
Tel: 0906 294 1113.

Any more questions?
If you have any further questions or enquiries that are not covered in the comprehensive list above then please do not hesitate to contact one of the committee.
This topic is locked so start another thread or contact the committee through the Continuum 2008 website.

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