Monday 30 September 2024

[October 2024 Update] UK RPG Conventions Listing

This is the October 2024 update for the UK RPG conventions for 2024 and beyond.

Each has a website (though a few have Facebook pages) for information and details.

I am waiting on news on a few regular events so I may update this list.

If you know of any that have been missed please mention them in the comments below.

There are a few clashes of cons over a few weekends.

Please note, a few conventions have asked to be removed from this list. 57421_900.jpg


Furnace XIX, Garrison Hotel, 635 Penistone Road, Sheffield, S6 2GB

Saturday 12th - Sunday 13th October 2024.

ACWest 2024- AireCon Event, Ramada Hotel, Forgegate, Telford, Shropshire TF3 4NA. & Holiday Inn Telford - Ironbridge, Telford International Centre, International Way, Telford, Shropshire, TF3 4JH.

Friday 18th - Sunday 20th October 2024.

HandyKon 14, Delta Hotel, Kents Hill Park, Timbold Dr, Kents Hill, Milton Keynes MK7 6HL

Friday 25th - Sunday 27th October 2024.

Dungeons & Flagons Tabletop Games Weekender Halloween 2024, The Union, 21 Higher Cambridge Street, Manchester M15 6AD

Saturday 26th - Sunday 27th October 2024.

Day of Legends III (Dragon Warriors), Brewdog Chancery Lane.  London EC4A 1DE.

Saturday 2nd November 2024. 12:00am - 9:00pm

Sox Con 2024. Preston Road Community Centre, Abingdon. OX14 5NR.

Saturday 2nd November 2024. 12:00 - 21:00.

Dragonmeet 2024, Novotel London West, Hammersmith, London, UK

​Saturday 30th November 2024, 9.00am - Midnight

Dungeons & Flagons Tabletop Games Weekender Festive Special 2024, The Union, 21 Higher Cambridge Street, Manchester M15 6AD

Saturday 14th - Sunday 15th December 2024.


Stabcon 2025, Guildhall, Stockport, SK1 3UA

Friday 3rd - Sunday 5th January 2025.

GrogMeet 2025, Manchester Venue TBC

Friday 17th - Sunday 19th January 2025.

ConTingency 2025, Searles Leisure Resort, South Beach, Hunstanton, Norfolk. PE36 5BB

Wednesday 27th January - Monday 3rd February 2025.

Beachhead 2025, Bournemouth International Centre, Exeter Rd, Bournemouth BH2 5BH

Saturday 8th - Sunday 9th February 2025.

Dudley Bug Ball 2025, Station Hotel & Banqueting, Castle Hill, Dudley DY1 4RA

Saturday 22nd - Sunday 23rd February 2025.

AireCon TEN, Harrogate International Centre, King's Rd, Harrogate HG1 5LA

Thursday 14th - Sunday 16th March 2025.

North Star VIII, Garrison Hotel, 635 Penistone Road, Sheffield, S6 2GB

Saturday 10th - Sunday 11th May 2025.

UK Games Expo 2025, NEC, North Ave, Marston Green, Birmingham B40 1NT & Hilton, Pendigo Way, Marston Green, Birmingham B40 1PP

Friday 30th May - Sunday 1st June 2025.

LongCon 2025, Garrison Hotel, 635 Penistone Road, Sheffield, S6 2GB

Saturday 28th - Sunday 29th June 2025.

Continuum 2025, Cranfield CMDC Conference Centre, Wharley End Cranfield, Cranfield, Wharley End, Bedford MK43 0HG

Friday 25th - Monday 28th July, 2025.

Tabletop Scotland 2025, Royal Highland Centre, Newbridge, EH28 8, Scotland.

Friday 5th - Sunday 7th September 2025.

Thursday 19 September 2024

The Owlbear and the Wizard’s Staff 2024 Con Report

The Owlbear and the Wizard’s Staff 2024, St. Patrick’s Irish Club, Riverside Walk, Adelaide Road, Leamington Spa, CV32 5A.

Friday 13th -Sunday 15th September 2024.

So I had pledged to run my Alien RPG Star Trek crossover scenario at RPG convention The Owlbear and the Wizard’s Staff in Leamington Spa on Saturday 14th September in the afternoon. ‘Star Trek Legacy: Conspiracy’ using the Fria Ligan Alien RPG Year Zero Engine was based on the events and setting of Star Trek Picard Series 3 and was the continuing mission of the newly commissioned Starship Enterprise-G. ALIEN Star Trek Legacy-3.png

On the day I had intended to travel down by train to get there in time for the morning games. I hadn’t signed up for any as I hoped to land at the venue and get in a game that needed an extra player.

Of course Crosscountry Rail had other plans! What a disaster!

They had cancelled their 08:53 train from Derby so I would miss the morning games! Grrr!

I decided to get the 10:53 instead at that would get me there in time for lunch. Of course Crosscountry Rail had cancelled that one too! I was stuck at Derby Railway Station and had to wait for the 12:53 train which would have got me to Leamington Spa by 14:00, half an hour to spare to get to the venue and set up for my afternoon game. Phew, plenty of time. I had looked at getting a train to Birmingham New Street then catching a connecting train but it seemed that the disruption to the rail networks meant I would be catching the same train anyway. Better to be in Derby than waiting at Birmingham New Street Station.

I caught the 12:53 train, it was quiet on board as most people had boarded the earlier (but delayed and overcrowded) Birmingham train. I could sit and do some prep on my laptop for another game I was working on.

Trouble is as that train got to Birmingham, it was cancelled as well! Grrr!

Fortunately they had another train ready to go to Leamington Spa on another platform but because of the change over of passengers it was delayed too. It arrived into Leamington Spa just before 14:30. I ran from the railway station to the St Patrick’s Irish Club in five minutes and arrived only slightly late. Phew!

Fortunately the three players that had signed up for my game were patiently waiting at the table so I quickly set up and got the game going. IMG_1085.png The table sign for my game, pretty cool!

We were in the downstairs hall of the venue, my table was by the bar with another eight or so gaming tables in the main part of the room. It was busy with lots of full tables of games going on. Due to the shutters that divided the hall from the rest of the bar, our gaming table was in a little alcove that seemed to dampen the sound so no issues there at all.

There was another room upstairs that had another four or five gaming tables in it so the convention seems to be getting more popular.

So I ran my scenario ‘Star Trek Legacy: Conspiracy’ using the Alien RPG rules.

I issued out the player character sheets for the players to select who they wanted to play. One player picked Ensign Alandra La Forge as they wanted to play an engineer. Captain Seven of Nine was chosen so we had our ship’s captain and the reason the Enterprise-G was selected for the mission that’s at the core of the scenario. The last player picked Lieutenant Matthew Arliss Mura, who is the Tactical Officer so would have plenty to do. I good spread of disciplines and skill sets as well as very different personality and outlooks on Starfleet.

I quickly started the game and laid out the mission brief. The Enterprise-G is called to Perintha Prime to become part of the Iconian Research Taskforce, a group of Starfleet and Federation scientists researching the ancient ruins, weird technology, and strange devices of the lost Iconian civilisation.

Their arrival at the Perintha system was met by a large Starfleet starship, with an angry stance, patrolling the outer edge. It seems the Perintha system was well protected, three more starships could be detected patrolling the outer rim of the system and four more were in defensive positions around the planet of Perintha Prime. Another four starships were moving through the system, either on patrols or transporting from one point to an other.

It was a tense moment until Admiral Janeway personally greeted the Enterprise-G and her crew.

Admiral Janeway permitted the Enterprise-G to enter the Perintha system and once safely inside she explained what the Iconian Research Taskforce were doing and the Enterprise’s part in this stage of the operation.

Starfleet had discovered that the ancient Iconians had created a Gravitron Catapult Device at Perintha Prime that could potentially propel a starship instantly across vast galactic distances, even possibly to another nearby galaxy. Starfleet have been verifying the concept with the technology and have conducted experiments using unmanned spacecraft and probes for the most part. Just recently they have escalated their testing to include manned spacecraft, shuttles and runabouts. They have been successful, for the most part, and now they are ready to send a full sized starship; the Enterprise-G has been given that honour.

The NCC-1701-G USS Enterprise is uniquely positioned due to its recent refit that has left the ship with extra warp coils in its nacelles, a carryover from the old USS Titan. These warp coils were constructed with an energy signature that will work well with the Iconian Catapult Device. Also the Enterprise-G has a highly qualified Captain with experience with long term and long range journeys, wormholes, slingshot methods, Graviton Catapults, and transwarp technology. Captain Seven of Nine is that Captain and has a dedicated and loyal crew that will follow her through any dangerous situation or encounter as proven by their previous actions in saving the Federation.

The players certainly picked up on the strange behaviour of the Starfleet personnel, especially the three scientists that were going to accompany them on the mission. They were Commander Zandra Taitt, Scientist Paul Stubbs, and Dr Whelan. They were locking out the player characters out of their own ship’s systems, the data that they were providing was inaccurate, and they kept moving around the vessel with impunity.

Starfleet’s presence in the Perintha system was very defensive and secretive, contrary to the Starfleet code. Though understandable with the ancient technology being researched, it still made the players uneasy.

Fortunately I was able to keep that feeling of unease and almost paranoia going throughout the scenario, throughout the game session.

As their starship was catapulted across the galaxy the game and the mission got more intense with the start of the second act.

I had changed into my Captain Riker uniform to GM the rest of the game from Act II in character and became another thorn in the side of the player characters as he was also on the mission. It was Riker’s secret mission that escalated the stakes and caused the moral dilemma for the crew of the Enterprise-G.

They discovered sabotage, misdirection, murder, and a Starfleet wide conspiracy that threatens the entire Federation, if not the Alpha Quadrant itself.

The players did manage to work out who was responsible and stop the alien invasion in an explosive manner.

It was a very satisfying conclusion to an intense and investigative game. In the nick of time too!

We finished the game late into the afternoon, just as other games were also finishing so we made good time. Especially after the rough start due to my late arrival. IMG_1083.png The players of my Star Trek game.

I really enjoyed the game, the players were great!

But I think that I wasn’t on top form to Game Master it properly due to the hassles I got getting to the convention with all the train delays and cancellations. Missing the morning games certainly dampened my stride. I don’t like being late, I prefer to be early and set up my gaming table with plenty of time available. Arriving late I think made me rush my game, especially the introduction, so I always thought I was out of step. The players were very helpful, even buying me drinks so I did relax a bit, so I shouldn’t complain but I think I did them a disservice in my game delivery by not giving my usual 100%.

As I packed away all my game props, dice and papers I chatted with the players. They were familiar with Star Trek but none of them had seen the new Picard series, especially the third one. They had enjoyed the game and really appreciated the additional work and effort that I had put into the handouts. They loved the character sheet designs and the folding agenda sheets. They weren’t used to investigation scenarios but were happy with what they achieved.

One player wasn’t comfortable with the secret agendas and working against the other players. He thought I should have labelled my game description to indicate that!

Weird, I had Hidden Agendas, Horror, Player-Led, Pre-Gens, PvP, and Harsh Language tags labelling the game, a game called “Conspiracy” by the way, so I am not sure what more I could do?

So with that feeling I headed off to the White Horse pub early with some of the other gamers, though normally I would stay and help move tables and chairs and help clear up.

I had a nice meal at the pub with a drink and it was good to chat with some friends and familiar faces. I just love talking about RPGs in a social setting without people looking at you like you’re weird. ;)

With that I headed back to the railway station and headed home.

Unfortunately the trains home were also delayed due to the football crowds, and when the trains did arrive they were packed full of loud and obnoxious footie fans singing and swearing. No seats were available so I ended up stuck on a luggage rack all the way home to Derby.

The journey home was made simply awful and unpleasant by the state of the trains. I didn’t get home until just before midnight.

Would I attend again?

I think next time I’ll book a full weekend, possibly in an AirBnB, so I could take advantage of the whole convention.

I would like to thank Matthew Broome for organising the Owlbear and Wizard’s Staff so wonderfully and with such a friendly demeanour too.

No dates set for next year as yet but watch this space.

Sunday 1 September 2024

My Games at The Owlbear & Wizard’s Staff 2024

The Owlbear and the Wizard’s Staff 2024, St. Patrick’s Irish Club, Riverside Walk, Adelaide Road, Leamington Spa, CV32 5A.

Friday 13th -Sunday 15th September 2024.

+ On Saturday 14th September I’m running the following Alien game set in the setting of Star Trek. Set at the time just after the third series of Star Trek Picard this will involve the crew of the new NCC 1701-G USS Enterprise.

It uses the Rules of the Alien RPG by Fria Ligan so it should be a tense and dramatic session.

Saturday 14th September 2024 at 14:30 - 18:00.

You can sign up for it here: ALIEN Star Trek Legacy-3.png

‘Star Trek Legacy: Conspiracy’

Year Zero Engine

Saturday Afternoon Slot

For up to eight players. Newbies welcome!

Captain’s Log Stardate 79766.17

We were on route to Pacifica when we were interrupted by a Code 47 (Captain’s Eyes Only) call from Starfleet Admiralty. I’ve been ordered to take the Enterprise to the Perintha system, site of the Iconian Research Taskforce. There are no further details to the orders but my intuition is that they are wanting to send the Enterprise through the ancient Iconian Catapult Device in orbit of Perintha Prime to be thrown instantaneously beyond the known Galaxy to the distant outreaches of deep space.

Nothing new for me then!

Captain Seven of Nine.

Tags: 18+, Star Trek, Picard Season 3, Hidden Agendas, Horror, Player-Led, Pre-Gens, Sci-Fi, PvP, Harsh Language, Spaceships with Carpets, Fria Ligan, Flashing Lights, Musical Accompaniment.

+ IMG_0103.png My Table Set up for my Alien Star Trek Legacy game. + IMG_0133.png Me GMing as Captain Riker doing the Riker Manoeuvre! + IMG_0134.png Captain Riker on the Bridge! - Me As Captain Riker.

Saturday 31 August 2024

[September 2024 Update] UK RPG Conventions Listing

This is the September 2024 update for the UK RPG conventions for 2024 and beyond.

Each has a website (though a few have Facebook pages) for information and details.

I am waiting on news on a few regular events so I may update this list.

If you know of any that have been missed please mention them in the comments below.

There are a few clashes of cons over a few weekends.

Please note, a few conventions have asked to be removed from this list. 60156_900.jpeg


Tabletop Scotland 2024, Highland Hall at the Royal Highland Centre Ingliston, Edinburgh, EH28 8NB,  Scotland.

Friday 6th - Sunday 8th September 2024.

The Owlbear and the Wizard’s Staff 2024, St. Patrick’s Irish Club, Riverside Walk, Adelaide Road, Leamington Spa, CV32 5A.

Friday 13th -Sunday 15th September 2024.

Furnace XIX, Garrison Hotel, 635 Penistone Road, Sheffield, S6 2GB

Saturday 12th - Sunday 13th October 2024.

ACWest 2024- AireCon Event, Ramada Hotel, Forgegate, Telford, Shropshire TF3 4NA. & Holiday Inn Telford - Ironbridge, Telford International Centre, International Way, Telford, Shropshire, TF3 4JH.

Friday 18th - Sunday 20th October 2024.

HandyKon 14, Delta Hotel, Kents Hill Park, Timbold Dr, Kents Hill, Milton Keynes MK7 6HL

Friday 25th - Sunday 27th October 2024.

Dungeons & Flagons Tabletop Games Weekender Halloween 2024, The Union, 21 Higher Cambridge Street, Manchester M15 6AD

Saturday 26th - Sunday 27th October 2024.

Day of Legends III (Dragon Warriors), Brewdog Chancery Lane.  London EC4A 1DE.

Saturday 2nd November 2024. 12:00am - 9:00pm

Dragonmeet 2024, Novotel London West, Hammersmith, London, UK

​Saturday 30th November 2024, 9.00am - Midnight

Dungeons & Flagons Tabletop Games Weekender Festive Special 2024, The Union, 21 Higher Cambridge Street, Manchester M15 6AD

Saturday 14th - Sunday 15th December 2024.


Stabcon 2025, Guildhall, Stockport, SK1 3UA

Friday 3rd - Sunday 5th January 2025.

GrogMeet 2025, Manchester Venue TBC

Friday 17th - Sunday 19th January 2025.

ConTingency 2025, Searles Leisure Resort, South Beach, Hunstanton, Norfolk. PE36 5BB

Wednesday 27th January - Monday 3rd February 2025.

Beachhead 2025, Bournemouth International Centre, Exeter Rd, Bournemouth BH2 5BH

Saturday 8th - Sunday 9th February 2025.

Dudley Bug Ball 2025, Station Hotel & Banqueting, Castle Hill, Dudley DY1 4RA

Saturday 22nd - Sunday 23rd February 2025.

AireCon TEN, Harrogate International Centre, King's Rd, Harrogate HG1 5LA

Thursday 14th - Sunday 16th March 2025.

North Star VIII, Garrison Hotel, 635 Penistone Road, Sheffield, S6 2GB

Saturday 10th - Sunday 11th May 2025.

UK Games Expo 2025, NEC, North Ave, Marston Green, Birmingham B40 1NT & Hilton, Pendigo Way, Marston Green, Birmingham B40 1PP

Friday 30th May - Sunday 1st June 2025.

LongCon 2025, Garrison Hotel, 635 Penistone Road, Sheffield, S6 2GB

Saturday 28th - Sunday 29th June 2025.

Thursday 1 August 2024

[August 2024 Update] UK RPG Conventions Listing

This is the August 2024 update for the UK RPG conventions for 2024 and beyond.

Each has a website (though a few have Facebook pages) for information and details.

I am waiting on news on a few regular events so I may update this list.

If you know of any that have been missed please mention them in the comments below.

There are a few clashes of cons over a few weekends.

Please note, a few conventions have asked to be removed from this list. 374693968_725096856281999_6465370694502322803_n.jpg


Grand Tribunal 2024, Gas Green Community Centre, Baker Street, Cheltenham GL51 9HQ

Friday 9th - Sunday 11th August 2024.

HandyCon Lucky 13, Delta Hotel, Kents Hill Park, Timbold Dr, Kents Hill, Milton Keynes MK7 6HL

Friday 9th - Sunday 11th August 2024.

Field of Games 2024, Silverstone Farm Campsite New Rookery Farm, Little London, Silverstone, Northants. NN12 8UP

Monday 12th - Monday 19th August 2024.

Strange Games Festival 2024, Bushy Wood Activity Centre, Main Road, Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 3LZ

Friday 23rd - Monday 26th August 2024.

Dungeons & Flagons Tabletop Games Weekender August 2024, The Union, 21 Higher Cambridge Street, Manchester M15 6AD

Saturday 24th - Sunday 25th August 2024.

Norwich Games Con 2024, St Andrews & Blackfriars Hall, St Andrews Hall Plain, Norwich NR3 1AU

Saturday 24th August 2024, 10:00 - Midnight

Tabletop Scotland 2024, Highland Hall at the Royal Highland Centre Ingliston, Edinburgh, EH28 8NB,  Scotland.

Friday 6th - Sunday 8th September 2024.

The Owlbear and the Wizard’s Staff 2024, St. Patrick’s Irish Club, Riverside Walk, Adelaide Road, Leamington Spa, CV32 5A.

Friday 13th -Sunday 15th September 2024.

Furnace XIX, Garrison Hotel, 635 Penistone Road, Sheffield, S6 2GB

Saturday 12th - Sunday 13th October 2024.

HandyKon 14, Delta Hotel, Kents Hill Park, Timbold Dr, Kents Hill, Milton Keynes MK7 6HL

Friday 25th - Sunday 27th October 2024.

Dungeons & Flagons Tabletop Games Weekender Halloween 2024, The Union, 21 Higher Cambridge Street, Manchester M15 6AD

Saturday 26th - Sunday 27th October 2024.

Day of Legends III (Dragon Warriors), Brewdog Chancery Lane.  London EC4A 1DE.

Saturday 2nd November 2024. 12:00am - 9:00pm

Dragonmeet 2024, Novotel London West, Hammersmith, London, UK

​Saturday 30th November 2024, 9.00am - Midnight

Dungeons & Flagons Tabletop Games Weekender Festive Special 2024, The Union, 21 Higher Cambridge Street, Manchester M15 6AD

Saturday 14th - Sunday 15th December 2024.


GrogMeet 2025, Manchester Venue TBC

Friday 17th - Sunday 19th January 2025.

ConTingency 2025, Searles Leisure Resort, South Beach, Hunstanton, Norfolk. PE36 5BB

Wednesday 27th January - Monday 3rd February 2025.

Dudley Bug Ball 2025, Station Hotel & Banqueting, Castle Hill, Dudley DY1 4RA

Saturday 22nd - Sunday 23rd February 2025.

AireCon TEN, Harrogate International Centre, King's Rd, Harrogate HG1 5LA

Thursday 14th - Sunday 16th March 2025.

North Star VIII, Garrison Hotel, 635 Penistone Road, Sheffield, S6 2GB

Saturday 10th - Sunday 11th May 2025.

UK Games Expo 2025, NEC, North Ave, Marston Green, Birmingham B40 1NT & Hilton, Pendigo Way, Marston Green, Birmingham B40 1PP

Friday 30th May - Sunday 1st June 2025.

LongCon 2025, Garrison Hotel, 635 Penistone Road, Sheffield, S6 2GB

Saturday 28th - Sunday 29th June 2025.

Sunday 21 July 2024

Tales from the Loop Talents

So I’ve put together some Talents for the Player Characters for my Tales from the Loop campaign.

I thought that gifting them with Talents that help reinforce their Archetype and role in the group would work out better than just giving them increases to Skills all the time at the end of each Chapter that would broaden their roles somewhat. The player characters can start to get points in the same skills, not just their Key Skills, so that they can all do similar actions to get out of Trouble.

I showed them to the players of my Tales from the Loop campaign as we start our eighth chapter this week, and they loved them.

I gave them a choice of two Talents; one from their respective Archetype (or two if they so desired) and one from the General Talents. They couldn’t pick any from the other Archetypes… yet.

The players were struck with too much choice.

I've based some of them from the Year Zero Engine Standard Reference Document v1.0, drawn a few others from the other Fria Ligan properties, and made up a few of my own.

Let me know what you think of them, if there are any mistakes, or if you see any that I might of missed or any that you can think of.

Tales from the Loop Talents



You can open any locked door or padlock without rolling SNEAK at any time. You need to have both hands free to achieve it.


Ignore penalties from Conditions when making SNEAK tests.


Gain +2 to FORCE when you are attacked, bullied, or slighted first.



You can recall any obscure fact, knowledge or tit bit of truth without having to roll COMPREHEND. Some of the facts could be inappropriate for the current situation at hand.


Ignore penalties from Conditions when making COMPREHEND tests.


Gain +2 to INVESTIGATE when looking for clues in books, documents, schoolrooms, or libraries.

Computer Geek


You can bypass any computer locked screen or get by any encryption password without having to roll PROGRAM. You just need a means of gaining input (via a keyboard, mouse or other related device) to that computer system or motherboard.


Ignore penalties from Conditions when making CALCULATE tests.


Gain +2 to PROGRAM when accessing unfamiliar computers, artificial intelligences, or robots.



You can throw or hit any ball to hit its intended target without having to roll MOVE or FORCE.


Ignore penalties from Conditions when making MOVE tests.


Gain +2 to FORCE when using sports equipment or sporting tactics.



You can spot any clue or detail in a scene without having to roll INVESTIGATE. You also have the uncanny ability to recall all those details too at a later date.


Ignore penalties from Conditions when making EMPATHY tests.


Gain +2 to SNEAK when avoiding Trouble in a crowd, or in familiar territory like school, library, or local streets.

Young Farmer


You can diagnose any malfunction, fault, or issue with any engine, gadget or machine without having to roll TINKER. Whether a combustion engine in a truck, power distribution of a computer system, or the balance gyro of a robot, you know it inside out.


Ignore penalties from Conditions when making TINKER tests.


Gain +2 to TINKER when repairing any device or engine you are familiar with.

Popular Kid


You are so cool and inspirational that friends and family will do anything for you without you rolling CHARM. You’ll still have to roll CHARM for strangers, rivals, and enemies.


Ignore penalties from Conditions when making LEAD tests.


Gain +2 to CHARM when dealing with a hostile or reluctant people.



You can recall and play any song, tune, or musical arrangement you have heard just once and play it perfectly on any instrument.


Ignore penalties from Conditions when making CHARM tests.


Gain +2 to EMPATHISE when performing or working a crowd or an audience.

General Talents


You can evade any search or pursuit whilst you remain on your bike.


If someone within close range of you is hit by any attack, you can dive in to take the hit automatically.


Gain +2 to FORCE when outnumbered by enemies.


You can push any skill roll based on HEART twice, not just once like other characters.


Once per session you can ignore any Conditions for any skill test.


When attacked in a fight you can dodge any attack using MOVE with a +2 bonus.


Ignore penalties from Conditions when using MOVE to flee or escape any Trouble.


When in a fight, you gain a +2 to FORCE when your opponents are children of similar age to you or are child-sized.


You can act twice, taking two actions during any part of a scene.


Gain +2 to SNEAK when trying to hide yourself or an item from an authority figure like a shop keeper, teacher, or police officer.


Ignore penalties from Conditions when making INVESTIGATE tests.


You have a knack for sensing when trouble is coming your way. You can roll for INVESTIGATION using HEART instead of MIND to detect an approaching threat.


You can recover any Condition automatically by the start of the next scene.


You get a +2 modification to FORCE in a fight or aggressive situation.


You are very resilient and recover quickly from injuries. The INJURED condition will recover by the start of the next scene.


You begin each session with an extra item of your choice, hidden on your person or stowed somewhere safe. The item must be something you could reasonably have. The GM has final say about what items are available to you.

If the GM allows it, you may wait until a dramatic moment during the session to choose what type of item you are hiding.


You can push any skill roll based on MIND twice, not just once like other characters.


You know where to strike to make your enemy fall and not get up. Ever.


No matter what horrible situations you end up in, you always seem to make it out unscathed. You can’t be BROKEN first time around.


You have a scary physical presence that makes it easy to intimidate people. You can roll for CHARM using BODY instead of HEART when you threaten someone.


You can hurt another enemy (either physically, socially, or mentally) with no remorse.


You get a +1 modifier to all CHARM rolls in situations where singing or playing an instrument is helpful. The GM has final say.


You can carry a surprising amount of gear and items.


You can draw your item so quickly it doesn’t cost you an action.


You can push any skill roll based on BODY twice, not just once like other characters.


When you are broken, you can get back on your feet immediately.


You can pull off near-impossible stunts on your skateboard (or roller skates) to get out of any trouble without rolling for it. You either wow the crowd, leap over obstacles, charge into the fray, or escape pursuit.


Gain +2 to MOVE when trying to outrun or chase down someone.


You can push any skill roll based on TECH twice, not just once like other characters.


You don’t take a CONDITION first time when you fail any Trouble in a scene (You still take a CONDITION if you Push a Roll). Any further failures in the same scene will gain you a CONDITION.


You gain a +2 to INVESTIGATE when searching for tracks or trails.


You can push any skill roll based on BODY twice, not just once like other characters.


The hairs on the back of your neck stand up when any danger lurks nearby. You get a +2 modification to INVESTIGATE when trying to spot danger, rivals, or enemies nearby.